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Portfolio Spotlight: Explore St. Lawrence

For more than four years the St. Lawrence’s Historical Advisory Committee wanted to rebrand and create a marketing strategy for tourism and business development in the area. And who could blame them, it’s a stunning town with deep historical and economic roots. St. Lawrence has a lot to celebrate!

After making the decision to move forward, the small team, comprised only of volunteers, dropped an RFP looking for help to promote the town. The day we won it, we Penguins had a little dance party. Turns out St. Lawrence was just as excited!

Star of the South Coast

Here we were building an iconic brand for this iconic town that’s known as the Soccer Capital of Canada, the town who saved more than 100 American sailors in a shipwreck during the Second World War in a massive storm, and, if that weren’t enough, it survived a tsunami! This town is known for mining and fishing, gorgeous coastline, and the friendliest people on the south coast so we knew we had to go all out!

Just the Trick

How the heck were we supposed to represent that? Luckily, we had a few ideas!

The first was the name. Because St. Lawrence isn’t a place you stumble upon accidentally, we knew we wanted one word - a simple, impactful call to action.

Explore St. Lawrence was the perfect name and the committee agreed immediately. After that, it was on to logo design. We came up with a half dozen nautical, historical, and even a few abstract ideas for the committee, but hands down, we all loved the incorporation of the headlands in this logo that also brings in the summer sun and a compass.

What’s Next?

Next up, we’re helping Explore St. Lawrence to create a gorgeous website which will help improve tourism and offer tips to businesses in the area to prepare for the summer season! We’ll be pitching in to make their social media super sexy to entice visitors year after year and created this stunning brochure that doubles as a map, showing off all the town's attractions and landmarks.

Town Pride

Is your town in need of an upgrade? Looking for a logo or marketing plan to attract summer visitors? We got you! Get in touch with Rogue Penguin and watch our blog in the next few weeks for the reveal of another iconic town’s logo!

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